Pilates practitioners can grow their flexibility, core strength, and mental fortitude all year long with a solid Pilates practice and the support of the right studio classes. But many newcomers to Pilates might think of it as a spring or summer activity. They might see it as an outdoor activity or a great way to stay active when it's too hot to enjoy other active pursuits. But with a solid plan to transition to the next season, you can help your Pilates students see it as a healthy choice for fall and winter. Read through this quick guide to prepare your students, studio, and business for a thriving autumn season.

Autumn's Impact on Client Needs

The transition from summer to autumn will significantly impact your students' schedules—and because of that, you may want to make accommodations in your session and class schedules. Some seasonal client changes to keep in mind are:

  • Children are going back to school: Early-morning practitioners may need to shift to an even earlier start time or reschedule for after the school day starts. Afternoon sessions may also need to shift to accommodate drop-off and pick-up windows.
  • Fitness goals are changing: Your clients may have different goals this season than in the summer, perhaps shifting from core strength to flexibility exercises and breathing exercises in preparation for holiday stress.
  • The days are getting shorter: While it's a small thing for indoor studios, the sun is rising later and setting earlier. This can change outdoor class sessions and ideal start or end times.
  • Seasonal mood shifts: Your practitioners may be more at risk of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) caused by the changing seasons. Also, your clients may be more stressed, have more turbulent schedules that disrupt attendance to studio classes, or have competing demands.

Updating Class Schedule

Lending a sympathetic ear to seasonal complications is a great first step. You can also proactively update your class and individualized session schedules to stay in front of big changes that can affect your core business. Consider these seasonal updates—and take notes so you can build on your successes in future years:

  • Introduce "autumn" studio classes themed around the changing seasons and building health for the upcoming winter.
  • Adjust start times to accommodate everyone's needs to the best of your ability.
  • Take surveys early or ask for feedback so you can make the right changes that matter most.
  • Introduce more restorative sessions among your strength-building ones, as your clients may be resetting their priorities.

It's best to make any of these changes early so you can advertise them and everyone can finalize their plans.

Creating a Cozy Studio Atmosphere

The aesthetic and ambiance matter just as much as the schedule. Embrace autumn and help your client see your studio as a cozy autumn haven. Here are some quick tips: 

  • Rearrange your studio so the changing angle of the sunlight isn't an inconvenience.
  • Add lamps and lighting for early or late sessions.
  • Switch out your studio's scents and background music to reflect the tones and scents of autumn.
  • Reset the cooling and heating so it fits your local climate.
  • Consider having light sweatshirts for sale (a great branding effort and a helpful option for clients on chilly days).

Preparing for Seasonal Challenges

But even if you make all of these accommodations, be ready to see turbulence in your attendance numbers. Some clients simply won't be able to come as often or at all. Others may have spottier attendance because of bad weather, school and family interruptions, or overtime at work. Keep in contact through regular newsletters and schedule updates so they feel welcome whenever they can come by. Also, set your sights on growing your "fall crowd" of new attendees.

Get Ready for the Changing Seasons

The changing seasons mean changes for your studio. But with the right plan, you can get in front of schedule complications, bad weather, and changing target markets. BASI Systems is here to help by providing you with the right equipment for your seasonal programs. To order directly in the U.S., visit our website www.bodynetworx.com.

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