"Children are our future, children are our hopes and dreams, children are our joy, children are our everything. We must nurture them in every possible way, and there is no better path to set them on at a young age than that of physical and mental well being, and giving them the tools to reach this noble goal."

- Rael Isacowitz BASI Founder

Children are the most important resource on our planet and educating the next generation both physically and mentally is up to us. As Pilates instructors/parents we have a responsibility to help impact the next generation by ensuring their physical development.

Teaching children Pilates will not only ensure that they live healthy lives, but will also teach them to respect their bodies and that of their peers, the ability to focus and concentrate, to breathe correctly and thus enable them to relax. They will also learn to control their bodies and start to move with determination in both work and play.

The BASI block system with appropriate exercises from the BASI repertoire have been used to deliver child friendly workouts, and cues have been developed to enable the child to execute the exercise in a mindful and effective way. After completion of this workshop, you will be able to confidently and successfully deliver a Pilates children’s class.

It’s up to us to invest our time, energy & passion in making Pilates a lifestyle choice for this unique group of individuals. I can honestly say that this workshop has opened my eyes and made me realize the impact we can have, that we are responsible for raising up the next generation. I don’t have it worked out but believe in giving life through using simple words to mold little people for profound results. Don’t let your position as a teacher stop with you, rise up.

The next generation is moving in. This is a chosen generation, a product of Grace. There is a new season upon us, EMBRACE it!

For more information regarding Tash Barnard's Pilates Studio located in Ballito South Africa, click here.

Tash will be presenting at the priemere Pilates event of 2018 Learn from the Leaders South Africa 2018

This program will be presenting in November 2018 in Turkey. 

*Disclaimer: Courtesy of BASI Pilates 

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