COVID-19 and keeping a positive Pilates practice

If you had approached me in March of 2019 and told me that a year from now I would be sheltered in place, forced to close down my studio, my dining room would become a home studio, and I would have a brand new baby to juggle it all with - I would have thought you were nuts! Yet here I am on day 84 adjusted to our new “normal”.

The last twelve weeks have been a whirlwind of ever-changing news, uncertainties, and updates of our world. In all honesty the first couple weeks I was on a total struggle bus. I had just returned to teaching at my studio after being on maternity leave for twelve weeks and was eager to launch our new Mama & Me class and to get back in the swing of life with my clients and Pilates community. Two weeks into a bit of normalcy and suddenly I felt I was back on maternity leave however no lifeline of a village to help. So, what’s a new mama to do? I realized that it was imperative to return to my Pilates practice as best as I could. Mentally and physically I needed to move.

Now more than ever I truly understood Joseph Pilates, “Change happens through movement and movement heals.” Luckily, I have an understanding husband and our little dining room area is now a mini home studio equipped with BASI Systems Ladder Barrel and Wunda Chair with the F2 System. I kept my expectations low from my practice due to having a very cute, but very needy baby at home.

Having the BASI Systems apparatuses readily available made it possible for me to get anywhere between fifteen minutes to forty minutes of Pilates movement. If you have had the pleasure of practicing on BASI Systems you know the luxurious feel: the orthopedic padding, the Wunda Chair pedal stays high when adjusting spring settings, being able to practice hip work with the F2 system, the high quality craftsmanship - the list goes on. Plus, they are quite aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Who needs a dining room table anyway?

Being able to practice at home has brought peace and positivity into my life amongst this pandemic. Some of us as studio owners and instructors were already prepped and ready to take their classes live. Which is wonderful! I applaud them for having the ability to stream live and prerecord professional classes. What an amazing thought that we can now offer our services to anyone around the world by having apparatuses at home and teaching live. As Pilates practitioners and teachers we are constantly learning and growing from one another and from clients. What an opportunity we have to be able to cast our nets even wider and to more diverse Pilates communities virtually.

COVID-19 has pushed us into a realm that we are unfamiliar with yet we all are adapting. Now as states begin to slowly reopen we are faced with new hurtles and I strongly believe by keeping a positive attitude towards this change our industry will thrive. Will you continue to live stream? Will you continue pre-recorded classes? Will you offer private sessions virtually if your client has a home studio? It really opens the door to new possibilities for everyone.

Overall reflecting on the last twelve weeks stirs up many emotions, but the one that stands out the most is gratitude. I am grateful for a healthy and happy baby who loves me. I am grateful for Pilates and the lessons it has given me. I am grateful that movement connects me to my mind and I can always return to Pilates. I am grateful for Rael Isacowitz for his teachings and also his F2 system because my body craved more spring work and a reformer wouldn’t fit in our dining room. Above all, I am grateful the Pilates community can still connect even though we are all apart.

Moving forward, I wish you all the peace and positivity that a practice, no matter what it looks like, can bring to you. And if you ever find yourself in Fresno, CA come visit me at The Pilates Project or say hello to us on Instagram @the.pilates.project!

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